Monday, June 18, 2018

What We're Eating on a Low Lectin/ Ketogenic Plan

Being a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I know that our bodies are all different. An eating plan that works for one person, may not be healthy for another. (However, I know that ALL bodies benefit from greatly reducing processed foods, refined sugar and carbs and completely eliminating genetically modified corn and soy, processed seed oils, rancid fats and factory farms meats. Just sayin'.😁) The ketogenic diet has created quite a buzz recently, possibly with benefits for people with cancer. And...since my husband likes us to try the programs he recommends to his patients, we are in the midst of a lectin free (or at least greatly reduced), ketogenic plan. The following sample menu (what we are actually eating this very day😃) is for the first three days, so even more specific (a nice way of saying restrictive) than the regular keto-cancer protocol. By day four, we can add back eggs, some high quality dairy, some nuts, root veggies and a bit more meat.

Bullet Proof Coffee (yummy and frothy and filling from all those healthy fats)
~Cold brew coffee, with hot water, coconut oil and butter blended for 20 seconds in the VitaMix
Green Shake (the avocado makes this creamy and delicious)
~In VitaMix add a handful of each: dandelion greens, mustard greens, bok choy, cilantro, parsley, basil, add a big chunk of fresh ginger (peeled) and a small chunk of fresh turmeric (peeled), fresh lemon juice, 1/2 avocado, sea salt and a bit of black pepper. Blend until smooth, about 30 seconds

~Mixed green leaf and red leaf lettuce, arugula, radicchio and celery. (I finely chop this salad base)  Top with avocado, salmon/sardine salad (only made with out eggs) and fermented carrots or cauliflower. Drench (well, not exactly drench, but, you know...healthy fats!) in extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil with a little fresh squeezed lemon juice and Celtic sea salt

Chicken Pot Pie Soup (only made without root veggies or carrots)

Just a reminder...I use almost all organic ingredients (I'm a little lax on avocados), cultured butter from grass fed cows, pastured eggs and organic produce hopefully grown locally.

1 comment:

  1. If you’re not experiencing ALL the energy, performance, and fat-burning you expect on Keto or low-carb...


    Because studies show there are 3 hidden deficiencies that are sabotaging most people’s ability to turn food and body-fat into energy.

    It’s why you probably feel sluggish until you’ve had coffee... can’t go as hard in the gym... and aren’t as lean as you want to be.

    ===> The good news: my good friend Matt Gallant (who’s been doing Keto for 26 years) discovered a 7-second solution for fixing broken digestion, energy, and fat-burning metabolism.

    It’s a game-changer for anyone whose restricting carbs and not getting the results they want.

    I highly recommend it.

    [Dushka Zapata]
